Komodo Health Study: Medisafe Digital Companion Increases Adherence and Persistence

9 Jul 2021

Komodo Health

Komodo Health, a healthcare data and analytics firm, conducted an analysis using its Healthcare Map™ of 325 million U.S. patient journeys to examine the impact of Medisafe’s digital drug companion on patient adherence and time on.

Using claims data and a 1:3 matching formula, Komodo compared patients enrolled in a biologic digital companion program against a matched control group to measure these results. Methodology: Medisafe worked with Komodo to identify test and control groups with the test group enrolled in a Medisafe biologic digital companion program and the control group carrying on without the Medisafe program.

Medisafe users were required to have at least one relevant dermatology diagnosis, be active at least 90 days on the program, and be active on a biologic Rx while on the program. Additional matching criteria – including age, gender, and drug initiation date – helped to ensure identical cohorts between test and control groups to produce accurate results.

Results showed that existing patients who joined the Medisafe program saw a 7% increase in adherence pre- vs. post-Medisafe start compared to those not on Medisafe, who showed no statistically significant increase over the same time frame. In fact, Medisafe program users demonstrated a 5.8% adherence lift to 95.5% compared to the control group exhibiting a high adherence rate of 89.9% Patients using Medisafe remained compliant on the medication an additional five weeks compared to those patients not using a digital drug companion over a 52-week period.

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