COVID-19 Increasing Attention to Medication, Medisafe Finds

Respondents report improved medication management, improved opinion towards pharma companies

BOSTON – September 28, 2021 A new survey by leading digital therapeutics company, Medisafe, suggests that spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant and increased cases of hospitalizations is improving medication adherence, with 47% of respondents saying fear of hospitalization is leading them to pay more attention to their medication use. The survey — Medisafe’s third since the start of the pandemic — aimed to collect updated data on users’ feelings about the pandemic and COVID-19 vaccine, as well as how both have impacted their perspective on medication, pharma companies, and attention to their overall health.

“Knowing how closely connected medication utilization is to improved patient outcomes and reduced risk for COVID-19, it is wonderful to see that patients are taking a more active role in their medication management,” said Medisafe Chief Marketing Officer Jennifer Butler, “Especially among the 8 million potentially vulnerable patients using Medisafe to help manage acute and chronic conditions.”

Vaccine development and production efforts since the start of the year have led to improvements in public perception, with 28% of respondents indicating a more favorable opinion of pharma companies — up 5% from January. Overall, 85% of Medisafe users stated they had received the vaccine, 81% indicated they had strong confidence in the effectiveness of vaccines, and 80% would get a booster vaccine when it becomes available to them.

The survey also reveals new trends among Black communities and differences between men and women’s vaccination rates. Black respondents report a higher rate of vaccination at 95% and 79% plan to get a booster shot when available. And 95% of Black respondents are opting for a mask in public. Meanwhile 95% of men say they have been vaccinated, compared to only 89% of women.  Yet, women are more apt to reach for a mask when in public (64%), and women are taking their medications more regularly (50%) to avoid medical treatment during the pandemic.

“It’s important to look at patients’ actions, but also the many factors that contribute to those attitudes and actions. Taking a deeper look at where they align and diverge is the first step towards understanding where physicians, pharma, and digital health tools can better educate and support patients,” added Butler.

Medisafe’s survey was conducted within its digital platform between September 3 – 13, capturing the viewpoints of more than 4,000 patients who use the digital drug companion to help manage one or more medications in conjunction with a medical condition. The full report and methodology are available at:

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