Medisafe Reports Worst Medication Adherence Rates in the Nation

Top-rated medication management platform analyzed self-reported data by geographic and demographic categories to address epidemic problem.

“We chose to analyze our data and reveal these findings in order to help raise awareness of non-adherence issues and encourage people to better manage their medication compliance,” said Medisafe CEO, Omri “Bob” Shor. “These results are a wakeup call. Mobile pillbox technologies like Medisafe are free and easy to use, eliminating the excuse of forgetfulness when it comes to adherence. Non-adherence is a costly issue, but more importantly, it’s affecting health outcomes and sometimes the cause behind fatalities.”

Medisafe analyzed anonymous self-reported data from users, finding the below top ten cities and the top six age brackets with the worst adherence rates:

Cities listed by worst medication adherence rates:

1. Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

2. Brooklyn, N.Y.

3. Baltimore, Md.

4. Phoenix, Ariz.

5. Philadelphia, Pa.

6. Houston, Texas

7. Dallas, Texas

8. San Antonio, Texas

9. Washington, D.C.

10. Atlanta, Ga.

Age brackets listed by worst medication adherence rates:

1. 20-29

2. 30-39

3. 60-69

4. 40-49

5. 50-59

6. 70-79

According to a recent study done by the National Community Pharmacists Association, non-adherence adds $290 billion to overall U.S. health-care spending annually. This number can be reduced if patients become routine with taking their medications. Since people spend more time engaging with their cell phones than with their medication, mobile pillbox apps, such as Medisafe, will be a smart solution for improving compliance.

Medisafe, available in Google Play and iTunes App Store, is a unique solution to the rising non-adherence problem in the United States, and a direct way for patients to benefit from the support of their family and friends.

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