Medisafe Stimulates Patient Connectivity to Combat COVID-19 Social Distancing Challenges

An innovative approach to patient support normalizes digital connectivity into medication management and expedites patient engagement

BOSTON, MA – April 6, 2020. Medisafe, a leading digital therapeutics companion company providing medication management solutions for patients across the healthcare continuum, today announced the immediate deployment of on-demand and ongoing support for patients worldwide facing new challenges as a result of COVID-19. To further ongoing efforts of creating a true digital community for all patients, in this moment of need, the company is providing additional proactive guidance and support direct to patients and partners with its Digital Companions.

Over the past few months, COVID-19 has emerged as a threat to the world. The epidemic is straining and stretching the healthcare system in unprecedented ways. The uncertainty is leading to heightened levels of anxiety and distress resulting in, now more than ever, the need for digital support both to patients directly and to the care teams who support them. Digital Companions help patients manage their medications, proactively coordinate prescription refills, track measurements, and incorporate family, friends and caregivers into treatment during this unprecedented time of abundant isolation.

Medisafe is uniquely positioned with its digital companion to help Life Science and Pharmaceutical companies. Active collaborations are underway with established partners to enhance outreach and augment the company’s current support and connectivity programs. In direct response to COVID-19 needs, Medisafe configured a scalable digital support solution ready for rapid deployment, enabling AI-driven patient guidance and clinician surveillance predicated on high-tech, high-touch engagement. Key components of the customizable Medisafe Swift Response Package include:

  • The Care Connector – An integrated care support platform that facilitates remote access by digitally connecting with patients to provide timely interventions and monitoring.
  • The Swift Response Digital Companion – Powered by Medisafe’s proprietary Just-In-Time-Intervention™ AI engine, the Swift Response Digital Companion provides connectivity with patients in addition to support via the Care Connector.

“Both the immediate situation and the lasting effects of COVID-19 will require the shift of patient support to more digitally aligned models. It is essential that patient support programs incorporating care management from nurses and case managers be configured with remote access, continuous connectivity, and streamlined protocols to manage patients,” said Jennifer Butler, Chief Marketing Officer, Medisafe. “Added to this is the need to encourage treatment adherence as gaps between touchpoints increase due to strain on the healthcare system.”

To learn more about Medisafe’s COVID-19 care support approach to normalize digital connectivity into medication management, please visit: or contact [email protected]

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