Gastroenterology Infographic: Real-time Patient Insights from Medisafe

5 Sep 2019

Highlights from the Gastroenterology Infographic

  • Germany and Italy lead other nations in reported gastroenterology adherence on Medisafe
  • Like many therapeutic areas, Saturday and Sunday prove the most challenging for GI medication adherence
  • The highest GI adherence rates on Medisafe are in the morning hours
  • Worldwide medication adherence rates for most gastroenterology conditions are 75% or higher on Medisafe
  • Of the top 10 gastrointestinal drugs with the highest reported adherence on Medisafe, GSK and Shire hold two spots each


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Full Gastroenterology Adherence Insights

Most Adherent Countries for Gastroenterology Meds

  • Germany: 82%
  • Italy: 81%
  • Canada: 79%
  • Mexico: 78%
  • Australia: 77%
  • Brazil: 77%
  • UK: 77%
  • USA: 77%
  • Turkey: 75%

How Day Of Week Affect Gastroenterology Med Adherence

  • Sunday: 74%
  • Monday: 77%
  • Tuesday: 78%
  • Wednesday: 77%
  • Thursday: 76%
  • Friday: 76%
  • Saturday: 74%

Adherence Rates By Type Of Gastroenterology Treatment

  • Esophagitis, Duodenal Ulcer: %
  • Diarrhea, Ascites: 79%
  • Dyspepsia: 77%
  • Crohn’s Disease, Gastroenteritis: 76%
  • Constipation, Bile Acid Seqauestrants: 75%
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome: 74%
  • Pancreatic: 73%
  • Diabetic Gastroparesis: 71%

Why Gastroenterology Patients Say They Miss Doses

  • Didn’t need dose: 40%
  • Forgot/med not nearby: 27%
  • Other: 21%
  • Ran out of meds: 7%
  • Worried about side effects: 4%
  • Worried about cost: 1%

Top Gastroenterology Meds With Highest Adherence

Brand Company Adherence
Dexilant Takeda 81%
Prevacid GlaxoSmithKline 79%
Protonix Pfizer 79%
Lasix Validus 79%
Lialda Shire 79%
Zofran ODT Novartis 78%
Linzess Allergen 76%
Zofran GlaxoSmithKline 75%
Bentyl Forest Labs 75%
Pentasa Shire 74%

What insights can we discover about your brand? Contact us to find out!

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