Randomized Control Study for Coronary Heart Disease Patients shows Medication Management Solutions have Positive Impact

22 May 2019

Medisafe is pleased to share the latest results from a University of Sydney study, showing that mobile apps can have a significant impact on those living with coronary heart disease. Following an initial study conducted in 2016 to identify the leading medication management platform, in which Medisafe was found to be the top performing solution, investigator Professor Julie Redfern found that apps can improve patients’ medication management.

Participants in the three-month randomized control trial were assigned to either continue with their usual care, or use a medication management app designed to support adherence. The focus of the study was to see if apps could improve adherence for the 101 participants in the app user group, versus the 51 individuals in the control group. Dr. Karla Santo and her colleague measured the results based on the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8), and found a 0.47 average difference on the scale between those using a medication management solution and those in the usual care group.

After showing improvement in their medication adherence, participants were also asked if they would continue to use the medication management solution and recommend it to a friend. Of participants in the intervention group, three-fourths said they would do both, showing that using top-rated medication management apps are well received by patients and may have a longer-term impact on patient behavior.

Coronary heart disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, and claimed over nine million lives in 2016. Adherence is critical for CHD patients, but hovers around 40% worldwide, leaving the door open for significant complications, readmissions and death. Medication management solutions are shown to be an effective, affordable and scalable answer to giving patients back control of their treatment.

Of the existing medication management solutions, relatively few have engaged in user testing studies or clinical validation. At Medisafe, we have prioritized these studies but are looking forward to more and longer studies focusing on improving adherence and outcomes.


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